I design process and space for synergy and impact in collaboration work, trusting the process to actualize group intelligence and shared vision, and catalyze community/team innovation.
I collaborate with and bring together both like-minded and diverse partners — from and across philanthropy, nonprofits and organizations, education, government and other communities — to understand and frame their unique challenges, explore creative solutions and bring strategy to action.
Ideation + visioning
Strategic planning
Group sensemaking
Design thinking
Asset mapping + landscape scan
Visual facilitation
Team building + alignment
Collaboration + Strategy
City-Wide Collaboration
How might the diverse AAPI communities in NYC collectively respond to increased anti-AAPI hate and violence and envision community safety?
Voter Education + Outreach
How might the campaign educate the district’s large immigrant community on new voting method and enable greater voter engagement in the upcoming NYC elections?
Interfaith Community Dialogue
How might the interfaith community promote greater belonging in their diverse neighborhoods?